Authentication and security

Do not use debug tools like autoreload in combination!

The auth server and debug tools are generally not compatible. Using the auth system in a debug environment can also make finding bugs very difficult.

Connecting to a server with authentication

Add or change the following line in your config.ini file:


It is important to have the proper directory structure for the auth system to work. If not setup yet you can use the following command to create the necessary directories:

rixaplugin setup setup-work-dir

This will have created an auth_keys folder in your work directory.

In this you will have to put your private key (client.key_secret) and the server’s public key (server.key).

RIXA webserver

Should you connect to a RIXA webserver instance, these keys can be downloaded from your account page (Usually

The key(s) is used on the server side for “tagging” the plugins you connect. So download the key appropriate for the scope you want your plugin to be in.

Allowing others to connect to your server

The auth system needs to be activated as in above.

Keys can be generated via

rixaplugin setup generate-auth-keys NAME

This will generate a key pair in the auth_keys folder.

Note the non-optional naming conventions. A client key is named client.key_secret and a server key is named server.key_secret.

When a client connects, the name of the used public key on the server will be assigned as tag to the connected plugin/client.

RIXA webserver

Should you use the RIXA webserver you usually do not need to worry about this. Use the ‘Plugin scopes’ in the admin panel to add keys/tags. Users can be assigned permissions to these tags. They will then be able to download the key(s) and the public server key.