Plugin system integration

The integration of the plugin system into the server is handled here. All other documentation regarding the plugin system is to be found rixaplugin

class dashboard.apps.DashboardConfig(app_name, app_module)

This class is the configuration class for the dashboard app.


Override this method in subclasses to run code when Django starts.

async dashboard.apps.await_code_execution(code, api_obj)

This function is used to execute code and then display the result in the chat.

async dashboard.apps.await_future_execution(future, api_obj, is_chat=False)

This function is used to await the result of a future and then display it in the chat or the web interface. Required as plugin execution is always async and the result must be awaited before it can be displayed.

  • future

  • api_obj – api_obj of user (i.e. where to send the result)

  • is_chat – Origin of future



When creating users using the command line, the RixaUser object is not created. This function patches this. :return:


This functions hooks into djangos main event loop to start the plugin system. It also starts a thread to collect statistics. :param loop: :return:

async dashboard.apps.plugin_interface()

This function listens to the channel layer for messages of type “plugin_interface” and then executes the corresponding plugin function or code.

It is the “heart” of the plugin system.